Between expensive gym memberships and luxury workout outfits, getting fit seems like it will break the bank.

However, health and fitness do not need to dent your finances. There are plenty of ways to save money and stay fit without spending a penny. That’s right. You can stay in shape without spending a fortune on those influencer-approved trainers.

Here are some of the best affordable fitness tips and tricks for refreshing your exercise routine. Let’s jump right in.

1. Swap To Outside Workouts

First on the list is swapping to outside workouts. While gyms are great for fitness, they sometimes come with high costs. If you are not going frequently, you are likely not getting your money’s worth. So, you can slash your membership and swap to the great outdoors to save some money.

Running, walking and hiking outside are free and excellent for your health. Studies have found that runners have an approximately 45% lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. But you do not have to sprint to feel the benefits. Harvard found that regular walking can boost immune function, ease joint pain and even lower breast cancer risks.

Health and fitness on a budget has never been so simple. Just check the weather forecast before you leave, though!

2. Take Advantage of YouTube

When the weather is bad, the last thing you want to do is run or walk outside. So, what now?

Thanks to talented fitness content creators on YouTube, you can save money and get fit in your living room. From beginner pilates and yoga classes to HIIT and abs workouts, you can try many different fitness videos for free.

There are even videos without jumping exercises for viewers who live in apartment buildings. Amazing!

Following home video tutorials is one of the cheapest forms of exercise as you do not need to buy anything. However, if you want to invest in some equipment, a yoga mat can make home workouts more comfortable.

3. Tackle Bad Habits

If you want to improve your health and boost your savings without looking for cheap gym memberships, you can start by tackling poor health habits.

For example, quitting smoking or reducing your sugar intake can significantly impact your health while reducing your expenses at the same time. Learn about healthy food shopping on a budget here.

4. View Exercise As Entertainment

It is easy to view exercise as a chore. But if you address this belief and reframe it as a positive activity, you will be more likely to add fitness to your leisure time.

You can make big fitness savings by swapping expensive workout classes for working out with your friends in the park on the weekend or attending free exercise clubs. Parkruns are also a great free event that can double as entertainment. Run with your friends in the morning and grab a tasty lunch afterwards. Perfect!

5. Move More In The Day

One of the best ways to stay fit for cheap is simply by moving more every day.

We are not talking about cramming more workouts into your day. You can boost your fitness by making small swaps, like walking to the shops over getting a home delivery.

You could also take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. Maybe you could get off the tube or bus a stop or two early and walk home. Or swap your commute for cycling to work.

These small changes quickly add up, making fitness on a budget easier than ever.

Save Money On Health & Fitness Today

As the days grow lighter and warmer, it is time to leave our winter habits in the past and work towards a fitter and healthier lifestyle — without spending any extra money! Hopefully, this blog has inspired you to make a change. Start small at first and prioritise what feels right for you.

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