Sometimes it feels like every day is a social media holiday. From National Nothing Day to International Goof Off Day, there’s always a new cause to celebrate (yes, these are both real).

However, there’s one day coming up that we’re actually serious about — Earth Day 2023 (April 22nd). From learning about the Earth to assessing your CO2 emissions, there are multitudes of actionable ways to celebrate.

Cash ASAP is celebrating by sharing the ultimate eco budget tips. Cutting down your costs doesn’t have to come at the cost of the Earth, and these sustainable living tips prove it. Scroll down to jumpstart your celebrations and save some extra pennies.

Lower Your Energy Consumption

We’re starting the list with a more obvious tip, especially after sky-high UK energy prices. But lowering your overall energy consumption is a great way to save extra energy bill costs while using fewer fossil fuels.

On average, lighting accounts for approximately 15% of a household’s energy usage. Switching to energy-efficient bulbs and turning off lights when you leave the room can significantly reduce this figure. You can also save around £200 in energy costs per year — if you’re consistent with your efforts!

Assess Food Waste & Grow Your Own

Alongside cutting energy costs, this Earth Day marks time to assess how much food you’re wasting. No one likes to admit they’re wasting food, but the average UK household wastes 1.5 tonnes of food yearly. A shocking statistic, to say the least.

Next time you’re binning your leftovers, take a second and consider whether they can be used again. If you notice frequent food waste, try creating a portioned meal plan or freezing leftovers for another time.

Any green-fingered readers among us can even consider growing some veggies at home! Pro tip: the easiest to get started with include peas, carrots, radishes and cucumbers. Perfect for a spring salad.

Use Reusable Products

Opting for reusable products seems like another obvious eco budget tip. However, many underestimate how much money multipurpose products can save.

Plus, reusable products don’t stop at water bottles and bags for life. Nope. Today, you can find reusable alternatives in all industries. Find our top money-saving favourites below:

  • Reusable makeup pads — Bye-bye single-use wipes.
  • Glass food containers — More durable than plastic and there’s no risk of chemicals.
  • Reusable dryer balls — Throwaway dryer sheets are a thing of the past.
  • Razor blade subscriptions— While the razors aren’t reusable, opting for a subscription for the same blade holder significantly reduces plastic and overall costs.
  • Bamboo toothbrushes— Ok, these aren't reusable. But 80% of toothbrushes end up in the ocean. Bamboo alternatives can biodegrade, making them a sustainable living tip to remember.

Earth Day 2023 - The Takeaway

Whether you’re a dedicated eco champion or new to the sustainability scene, we hope these eco budget tips have helped you view your finances in a “greener” light. Experiment with different tips to see what works for you. You never know. You might find your next go-to money-saving lifestyle hack.

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