Creating a vision board is a helpful exercise to map out your goals visually. When it comes to financial goals, money vision boards can be an especially effective tool. Whether you aim to save money, pay off debt or achieve financial independence, a vision board can provide the visual inspiration you need to stay focused and motivated. Let's dive into vision boards, what you need to create one and how to make a money vision board that works for you.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a set of images, words and other visual elements representing your goals and dreams. It acts as a visual reminder of what you want to accomplish in life, helping to keep your desires front and centre. Vision boards can be created for various aspects of life, including career progression, personal development and finances. A financial vision board focuses specifically on your money goals and financial aspirations, such as saving for a house, retiring early or building wealth.

What is Needed for a Vision Board?

To create financial vision boards, you need a few basic materials. These can be physical items like a corkboard or poster board, magazines for clippings, a glue stick and markers. You can use your computer or phone to create a digital vision board if you prefer a digital approach. Apps like Pinterest make it easy to collect and organise images and words that inspire you.

How to Make a Money Vision Board

Define Your Goals

The first step in creating a money vision board is to define your financial goals. Think about what you want to accomplish financially. Do you want to save more money for a big purchase, pay off debt or build a retirement fund? Start writing down these goals to clarify your vision.

Gather Your Materials

It is your personal preference whether you choose a physical or a digital board. If you prefer an old-school approach, gather magazines and glue sticks to create your vision board. Alternatively, if you are making a digital vision board, use your computer to search online for images that align with your financial goals.

Select Images and Words

Choose images and words that represent your money management goals. For example, if you want to save for a house, find a picture of your dream home. If you aim to retire early, select images representing a relaxing and fulfilling retirement. The point is to find visual elements that inspire you and reflect your goals.

Create Your Board

Start arranging your images and words on your board. If you are making a physical vision board, use your glue stick to attach the pictures and words to the poster board or corkboard. For a digital vision board, arrange your collection on your chosen app. Play around with the layout until it feels right.

Review and Adjust

Once your money vision board is complete, place it somewhere you will see it often, like a home office or bedroom. If you have created a digital vision board, this could be your desktop screensaver or your phone's home screen. Regularly review your vision board to stay motivated and on track with your financial goals. Adjust and update it as your goals evolve and progress.

Stay Focused and Inspired

Your vision board should represent your financial goals. Use it to maintain a sense of focus and inspiration. Whenever you feel discouraged or distracted, look at your board to remind yourself of what you want to accomplish and why. Sharing your vision board with friends or family for additional support and accountability is a great strategy to keep your progress on track.

Creating a money vision board is not just an exercise in arts and crafts; it is a powerful tool for visualising and achieving your financial goals. Whether you prefer a physical or a digital board, the key is to fill it with images and words that inspire and motivate you. As you work towards your financial goals, your vision board will be an ongoing reminder of your goals and the progress you are making towards realising them.