function GetTranslation(key) { switch (key) { case "application-loan-repaid": return "Payment processed successfully!" case "application-loan-repaid-modulr": return "Payment processed successfully!" case "application-loan-repaid-truelayer": return "Payment processed successfully!" case "application-loan-repaid-modulr-processing": return "Thank you! Your payment has been submitted." case "application-loan-repaid-truelayer-processing": return "Thank you! Your payment has been submitted." case "application-loan-repay-error": return "Your attempt to make the payment was rejected by your bank. You may need to update your debit card details or to contact your bank to find out why they are rejecting your payment.\n\nYou can also make a payment by bank transfer instead.\n\nAccount name:\nAccount number: 23917657\nSort code: 20-79-06\nReference: please use your loan agreement number\n\nIf you need further help, please email" case "application-loan-repay-submitted": return "Payment request submitted - Payment in progress." case "application-loan-collect-error": return "Error! Payment failed." case "application-loan-collected": return "Payment collected." case "application-loan-repay-error-modulr": return "Your attempt to make the payment was rejected by your bank. Please try again or, if you need further help, please email" case "application-loan-repay-error-truelayer": return "Your attempt to make the payment was rejected by your bank. Please try again or, if you need further help, please email" case "copyright": return "All rights reserved" case "delete-menu-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove menu \'%Title%\'" case "delete-page-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove page \'%Title%\'" case "has-subpages": return "This page has subpages!" case "delete-link-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove link \'%Title%\'" case "loading-menu": return "loading menu..." case "error-loading-menu": return "An error occured while loading menu" case "saving-menu": return "saving menu..." case "loading-seo": return "loading SEO information..." case "error-loading-seo": return "An error occured while loading SEO information" case "saving-seo": return "saving SEO information..." case "error-saving-sort": return "List of pages were changed. Update sort order is not possible. Please refresh page with [F5]" case "page-activate": return "Activate page" case "page-deactivate": return "Deactivate page" case "page-preview": return "Page preview" case "page-seo": return "Edit SEO information" case "page-delete": return "Delete page \'%Title%\'" case "page-edit": return "Edit page \'%Title%\'" case "page-hide": return "Hide" case "page-show": return "Show" case "blog-title": return "Blog" case "page": return "Page" case "link-delete": return "Delete hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link-edit": return "Edit hyperlink \'%Title%\'" case "link": return "Link" case "menu-title": return "Title" case "menu-description": return "Description" case "menu-static-path": return "MENU_" case "admin-menu-site-structure": return "Site Map" case "admin-menu-application-list": return "Applications" case "admin-menu-template-variables": return "Translations" case "admin-menu-callreportstats": return "CallReport Stats" case "admin-menu-user-list": return "Users" case "admin-menu-urn-list": return "URNs" case "admin-menu-my-profile": return "My Profile" case "admin-menu-logout": return "Logout" case "admin-menu-limits": return "Credit Limits" case "admin-menu-clients": return "Clients" case "admin-menu-client-ruleset": return "Client AlGo Rules Sets" case "admin-menu-client-contact": return "Client Contact" case "admin-menu-ruleset-stats": return "AlGo Rules Sets Stats" case "admin-menu-activity": return "User activity" case "admin-menu-admin-activity": return "Admin activity" case "admin-menu-actions": return "Actions" case "admin-promo-codes": return "Promo codes" case "menu-image-no": return "Not used" case "menu-image-first-level": return "For first level only" case "menu-image-all-levels": return "For all levels" case "meta-title": return "Meta Title" case "meta-keywords": return "Meta Keywords" case "meta-description": return "Meta Description" case "attribute-title": return "Attribute title of the tag <a>" case "list-info1": return "%Page% of %Total%" case "list-info2": return "By request \'%Request%\' found %Total%" case "remove-image-confirm": return "Please confirm you want to remove this image" case "removing-image": return "removing image..." case "error-removing-image": return "An error occured while removing image" case "save": return "Save" case "cancel": return "Cancel" case "msg-no-url": return "Please enter URL for the link" case "msg-no-page-selected": return "Please choose a page from the list" case "msg-no-email": return "Please type the E-Mail address" case "title-site-structure": return "Site Structure" case "title-page-edit": return "Edit Page Content" case "title-module-edit": return "Edit Module Page" case "title-link-edit": return "Edit Link Information" case "title-user-list": return "Users" case "title-user-add": return "Add user" case "title-user-edit": return "Edit user" case "title-urn-list": return "URNs" case "title-urn-edit": return "Edit URN" case "title-algo": return "AlGo Matrix View" case "title-algo-rules-set": return "AlGo Rules Set" case "title-algo-rule-set-edit": return "AlGo Rule edit" case "title-algo-rule-set-add": return "AlGo Rule add" case "total-accounts": return "Total accounts" case "total-accounts-il-ul": return "IL/UL Total accounts" case "title-polar-clients-edit": return "PolarCredit Client info" case "title-polar-clients-list": return "PolarCredit" case "admin-menu-polar-clients": return "PolarCredit" case "admin-menu-clients-v2": return "Clients (New Logic)" case "title-clients-edit": return "Client info" case "title-clients-list": return "Clients" case "title-clients-application-other": return "Communications" case "title-clients-application-complaints": return "Complaints" case "title-clients-application-activity": return "Complaints" case "title-clients-application-emails": return "Post loan emails sent to client" case "title-clients-application-events": return "Post loan messages sent to client" case "title-clients-application-newcard": return "New card request" case "title-clients-application-repayments": return "Repayments" case "title-clients-application-withdrawals": return "Withdrawals" case "title-clients-application-repayment-edit": return "Repayment edit" case "title-clients-application-reminders": return "Reminders" case "title-clients-application-overduedays": return "Overdue days" case "page-description": return "Description" case "page-is-removed": return "Page %Title% has been removed" case "title-empty": return "Title is required" case "title-criteria": return "CallReport Criteria" case "title-criteria-list": return "Criteria changes (history)" case "template-is-not-defined": return "Template is not defined" case "templateset-is-not-defined": return "Template set is not defined" case "static-path-empty": return "Page URL is required" case "static-path-is-not-unique": return "This path (URL) already exists. Please choose another path." case "static-path-incorrect": return "Page URL incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "static-path-empty-menu": return "Please enter value for MENU_" case "static-path-is-not-unique-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ already exists. Please choose another value." case "static-path-incorrect-menu": return "This value of the MENU_ incorrect! Use latin letters, numbers, hyphens (-), dots (.), and understrikes (_) only." case "parent-is-not-defined": return "Parent is not defined!" case "parent-language-different": return "Language of the parent page is not equal to language of the current page. Can\'t be saved." case "password-is-changed-and-sent": return "Password successfully changed. New password was sent to your E-Mail." case "password-update-email-sent": return "Password update reminder sent." case "logged-out": return "You logged out successfuly" case "wrong-login-password": return "Incorrect login/password!" case "new-password": return "New password" case "new-restore-password-link": return "Restore password link" case "update-password": return "Password expiry" case "open-calendar": return "Click here to expand calendar" case "your-session-expired": return "Your session expired. Please log in again." case "unknown-module": return "Module \'%Module%\' is not found" case "page-type-is-undefined": return "Page type is undefined" case "email-is-not-unique": return "This E-Mail already belongs to another user. Please choose another E-Mail." case "incorrect-email-format": return "Enter correct E-Mail" case "incorrect-additional-mobile": return "Enter correct Phone" case "incorrect-email-address": return "Entered E-mail is not registered on the website" case "wrong-old-password": return "Old password is incorrect" case "password-empty": return "Please enter new password" case "password-not-equal": return "Passwords do not match!" case "password-min-8-symbols": return "Your new password must be at least 8 characters long." case "password-must-contain-uppercase-lowercase": return "Your new password must contain at least one lower and one UPPER case letter." case "password-must-contain-numbers-and-symbols": return "Your new password must contain at least one number and at least one symbol." case "password-already-been-used-recently": return "Your new password cannot be one of the two passwords that you’ve used most recently." case "first-name-required": return "Enter first name" case "last-name-required": return "Enter last name" case "postal-code-required": return "Please enter postal code" case "dob-incorrect": return "Incorrect date of birth" case "role-undefined": return "Please choose role for the user" case "website-undefined": return "Please choose website for the user" case "user-edit-access-denied": return "Access denied" case "user-is-updated": return "Information about user has been updated" case "public-user-is-registered": return "You have been registered successfully" case "public-user-is-updated": return "Your information has been updated" case "user-is-removed": return "User %UserList% has been removed" case "users-are-removed": return "Users %UserList% have been removed. Total %UserCount% user(-s)" case "rule-is-removed": return "Rule %RuleList% has been removed" case "rules-are-removed": return "Rules %RuleList% have been removed. Total %RuleCount% rule(-s)" case "name-is-not-unique": return "This rule name already belongs to another rule. Please enter another rule name" case "rule-is-updated": return "Rule is updated" case "select-rules": return "Please select rules" case "rule-name-required": return "Please enter rule name" case "criteria-error": return "Criteria data error. Criteria data should be not empty and ranges should be correctly" case "incorrect-rule-set": return "Incorrect rule set" case "select-total-accounts-field": return "Please select total accounts criteria" case "home-page": return "Home" case "please-select-reason": return "Please Select Reason" case "sql-error": return "SQL query error. See log for details." case "upload-max-file-size": return "Max size of the file: %UploadMaxFileSize%" case "no-templates": return "You have to create file with name page.html under folder %Folder%" case "template-general": return "General" case "menu-image1": return "Icon 1" case "menu-image2": return "Icon 2" case "menu-image3": return "Icon 3" case "filesys-file-is-not-uploaded": return "File is not uploaded" case "filesys-file-doesnt-exist": return "Source file doesn\'t exists" case "filesys-getimagesize-error": return "Can\'t get image size for the file %File%" case "filesys-unsupported-image-mime-type": return "Images with mime type \'%MimeType%\' are not supported" case "filesys-unsupported-image-function": return "To complete image resizing function %Function% is required. But it is not supported by your hosting provider" case "filesys-file-upload-error": return "Error occured durig file upload. Error number %ErrorNumber%" case "filesys-incorrect-file-name": return "File name %FileName% is incorrect. Please rename file and upload it again" case "filesys-unsupported-file-mime-type": return "Files with mime type \'%MimeType%\' are not supported" case "filesys-file-exists": return "File with name %FileName% already exists in folder %FolderName%" case "filesys-copy-error": return "Error copy file from %From% to %To%" case "phpmailer-provide-address": return "You must provide at least one recipient email address" case "phpmailer-mailer-not-supported": return "%Mailer% mailer is not supported" case "phpmailer-execute": return "Could not execute: %Sendmail%" case "phpmailer-instantiate": return "Could not instantiate mail() function" case "phpmailer-authenticate": return "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" case "phpmailer-from-failed": return "The following From address failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-recipients-failed": return "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: %Address%" case "phpmailer-data-not-accepted": return "SMTP Error: Data not accepted" case "phpmailer-connect-host": return "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host %Host%" case "phpmailer-file-access": return "Could not access file: %File%" case "phpmailer-file-open": return "Could not open file: %File%" case "phpmailer-encoding": return "Unknown encoding: %Encoding%" case "error-sending-email": return "Due to a technical issue we are unable to process your request right now. Please try again later." case "incorrect-captcha": return "You entered incorrect captcha code" case "portalauth-error": return "Incorrect login/password!" case "date-Sun": return "Sun" case "date-Mon": return "Mon" case "date-Tue": return "Tue" case "date-Wed": return "Wed" case "date-Thu": return "Thu" case "date-Fri": return "Fri" case "date-Sat": return "Sat" case "date-Sunday": return "Sunday" case "date-Monday": return "Monday" case "date-Tuesday": return "Tuesday" case "date-Wednesday": return "Wednesday" case "date-Thursday": return "Thursday" case "date-Friday": return "Friday" case "date-Saturday": return "Saturday" case "date-Jan": return "Jan" case "date-Feb": return "Feb" case "date-Mar": return "Mar" case "date-Apr": return "Apr" case "date-May": return "May" case "date-Jun": return "Jun" case "date-Jul": return "Jul" case "date-Aug": return "Aug" case "date-Sep": return "Sep" case "date-Oct": return "Oct" case "date-Nov": return "Nov" case "date-Dec": return "Dec" case "date-January": return "January" case "date-February": return "February" case "date-March": return "March" case "date-April": return "April" case "date-June": return "June" case "date-July": return "July" case "date-August": return "August" case "date-September": return "September" case "date-October": return "October" case "date-November": return "November" case "date-December": return "December" case "role-integrator": return "Developer" case "role-administrator": return "Administrator" case "role-moderator": return "Moderator" case "role-client_support": return "Client Support" case "role-client_support_level2": return "Client Support Level 2" case "role-external_support": return "External Support" case "role-external_support_dev": return "External Support Dev" case "role-user": return "User" case "add-image": return "Add" case "change-image": return "Change" case "remove-image": return "Remove" case "set-sort-order-error": return "Error occured on position update" case "xml-section-general": return "General" case "template-common": return "template variables" case "php-messages": return "messages" case "tag-name": return "Tag Name" case "variable-value": return "Value" case "incorrect-parameter": return "Incorrect parameter passed to the VariableList() class" case "loading-edit-variable": return "loading variable info..." case "saving-variable": return "saving variable info..." case "lightbox-image": return "Image" case "lightbox-of": return "of" case "content": return "Content" case "always": return "always" case "application-accept": return "Accept" case "application-reject": return "Reject" case "title-pacnet-request": return "PacNet Request" case "amount-should-be-number": return "Amount should be a number" case "creditsortcode-required": return "Please enter credit sort code" case "creditaccountnumber-required": return "Please enter credit account number" case "urn-required": return "Please enter URN" case "lastname-required": return "Please enter last name" case "manual-amendment": return "Manual Amendment #%ApplicationID%" case "repayment-plan-history": return "Repayment plan history" case "title-profile-history": return "View History Profile" case "first-name": return "First name" case "middle-name": return "Middle name" case "last-name": return "Last name" case "date-of-birth": return "Date of Birth" case "gender": return "Gender" case "marital-status": return "Marital Status" case "employment": return "Employment" case "monthly-income": return "Monthly income" case "employer-name": return "Employer name" case "work-address": return "Work building number" case "work-street": return "Work street" case "work-city": return "Work city" case "work-postal-code": return "Work postal code" case "work-phone-number": return "Work phone number" case "city": return "City" case "street": return "Street" case "address": return "Flat/House number" case "postal-code": return "Postal Code" case "home-phone-number": return "Home phone number" case "mobile-phone-number": return "Mobile phone number" case "ip-address": return "IP address" case "user-agent": return "User agent" case "repaid-source-manual": return "Manual" case "repaid-source-auto": return "Auto" case "repaid-source-admin": return "Admin" case "repaid-source-admin-manual": return "Admin-manual" case "repaid-source-bank-transfer": return "Bank Transfer" case "repaid-source-cheque": return "Cheque" case "repaid-source-refund": return "Refund" case "repaid-source-bookback": return "Bookback" case "repaid-source-chargeback": return "Chargeback" case "repaid-source-adjustment": return "Adjustment" case "incorrect-ammount": return "Incorrect Ammount" case "incorrect-allocate": return "Error. Type payment: Adjustment. Not selected field \'Allocate to\'" case "incorrect-ammount-over": return "Amount over current balance" case "incorrect-application-repayment-plan-last-changed-date": return "Today = Application repayment plan last changed date" case "incorrect-application-withdraw-payment": return "Amount is not equal payment to withdraw" case "notice-save": return "Notice saved." case "incorrect-bank-payment-type": return "Incorrect Bank Payment Type" case "incorrect-payment-date": return "Incorrect Payment Date" case "payment-list": return "Payments" case "bank-details-list": return "Bank Details" case "admin-menu-costs": return "Costs" case "admin-menu-relending-matrix": return "Relending Matrix" case "upload-payments": return "Upload Payments" case "eod": return "EOD" case "complaints": return "Complaints" case "click-apply-stat": return "Click APPLY Stat" case "notes-list": return "Communications" case "external-activity": return "External activity" case "application-not-found": return "Application not found." case "my-account-review-new-schedule-now": return "Review new schedule now" case "my-account-new-repayment-is-ready": return "New repayment schedule is ready for your review and needs your confirmation." case "module-title": return "Form" case "config-Email": return "E-mail" case "config-Subject": return "Subject" case "config-UseCaptcha": return "Use captha" case "config-ShowSlogan": return "Show slogan" case "config-details": return "\r\n <h3>Configuration description</h3>\r\n <p>E-mail - address where to send data from the form</p>\r\n <p>Subject - subject of the e-mail</p>\r\n <p>Use captha - 1 = check captcha code on form submit, 0 = no check</p>\r\n <p>Show slogan - 1 = show slogan on header of app form, 0 = no show</p>\r\n <h3>How to use in the _header.html/_footer.html</h3>\r\n <p><b>FORM_&lt;StaticPath&gt;_URL</b> - URL to the page with the form</p>\r\n " case "file-not-uploaded": return "File was not uploaded" case "userauth-title": return "Authorization form" case "portalauth-title": return "External authorization form" case "forgot-password-title": return "Restore password" case "forgot-password-content": return "<p>Please enter E-mail address, with which you registered on the website. After submition new password will be sent to your E-mail.</p> " case "register-title": return "Registration" case "register-content": return "<p>Please fill form.</p>" case "profile-title": return "Personal data" case "profile-content": return "<p>After you finish with changes, click "Update" button.</p>" case "contact-title": return "Contact Us" case "contact-message": return "Your message has been sent, we will contact you as soon as possible." case "contact-error": return "Not all of the fields are filled in correctly" case "contact-subject": return "Contact form question" case "contact-required-Name": return "Please enter your name" case "contact-required-FirstName": return "Please enter your first name" case "contact-required-LastName": return "Please enter your last name" case "contact-required-Email": return "Please enter your e-mail address" case "contact-incorrect-Email": return "E-mail address should have a correct format (example:" case "contact-required-Comments": return "Please fill in Your question field" case "contact-email-Name": return "Name" case "contact-email-City": return "City" case "contact-email-Company": return "Company" case "contact-email-Email": return "E-mail address" case "contact-email-Comments": return "Question" case "applications-not-found": return "No applications found." case "application-confirm-error": return "You must confirm that you have read and accept the Privacy Policy and the Key Information Summary." case "application-spentconfirm-error": return "You must confirm that all the income and monthly expenditure information entered is correct and is a true reflection of your income and spending activity." case "application-sourcesconfirm-error": return "You must confirm that you have considered your potential future income and expenditure in determining your ability to repay the loan." case "application-title": return "Application form" case "application-message": return "Your application was successful, the passcode was sent to your email address. " case "application-message-subject-passcode": return "Passcode for your application at" case "application-message-subject-password": return "Registration at" case "application-required-EmploymentType": return "Please select Employment type" case "application-loan-repaid-with-polar": return "<p>Thank you for repaying your loan!</p>\n<p>We wanted to let you know about a new credit solution from APFin Limited which you may find helpful to manage your finances in the future. It offers access to credit at a representative 68.7% APR (variable).</p>\n<p>Visit <a href="" onClick="return countLinkClick($(this));" target="_blank"></a> to find out more.</p>\n<p>Representative Example: Amount of credit: £1200, interest rate: 49.9% pa (variable) and 1.65% transaction fee. Representative 68.7% APR (variable).</p>" case "application-required-PaymentsMortgage": return "Please enter "Mortgage or rent" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsElectricity": return "Please enter "Electricity, gas and water" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsClothing": return "Please enter "Clothing and food" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsInternet": return "Please enter "Internet, landline and mobile phone" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsCouncil": return "Please enter "Council tax" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsOtherLoan": return "Please enter "Other loan or credit card payments" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsOtherRegular": return "Please enter "Other regular monthly expenditure" amount" case "application-required-PaymentsTravel": return "Please enter "Travel" amount" case "application-check-Expediture": return "Please check the monthly expenditure information that you provided" case "application-check-PaymentsMortgage": return "Please check "Mortgage or rent" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsElectricity": return "Please check "Electricity, gas and water" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsClothing": return "Please check "Clothing and food" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsInternet": return "Please check "Internet, landline and mobile phone" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsCouncil": return "Please check "Council tax" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsOtherLoan": return "Please check "Other loan or credit card payments" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsOtherRegular": return "Please check "Other regular monthly expenditure" amount" case "application-check-PaymentsTravel": return "Please check "Travel" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsMortgage": return "Please enter correct "Mortgage or rent" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsElectricity": return "Please enter correct "Electricity, gas and water" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsClothing": return "Please enter correct "Clothing and food" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsInternet": return "Please enter correct "Internet, landline and mobile phone" amount" case "application-incorrect-FirstName": return "Please check your First Name" case "application-incorrect-MiddleName": return "Please check your Middle Name" case "application-incorrect-LastName": return "Please check your Last Name" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsInternet": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Internet, landline and mobile phone bills, not your mobile phone number" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsOtherRegular": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Other regular monthly expenditure" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsOtherLoan": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Other loan or credit card payments" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsMortgage": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Mortgage or rent" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsElectricity": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Electricity, gas and water" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsClothing": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Clothing and food" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsCouncil": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Council tax" case "application-exceeds-PaymentsTravel": return "Please enter the amount you spend each month on Travel" case "application-exceeds-MonthlyIncome": return "Please check your Monthly income" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsCouncil": return "Please enter correct "Council tax" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsTravel": return "Please enter correct "Travel" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsOtherLoan": return "Please enter correct "Other loan or credit card payments" amount" case "application-incorrect-PaymentsOtherRegular": return "Please enter correct "Other regular monthly expenditure" amount" case "application-required-SourceOfFunds": return "Please select your Source of funds" case "application-required-AccomodationType": return "Please select your Accommodation Type" case "application-error": return "Please check the errors below:" case "application-subject": return "Demo contact form" case "application-passcode-incorrect": return "The codes you have entered are incorrect. Please try again." case "application-passcode-email-incorrect": return "The email code you have entered is incorrect. Please try again." case "application-passcode-sms-incorrect": return "The text message code you have entered is incorrect. Please try again." case "application-required-FirstName": return "First name is missing" case "application-required-LastName": return "Last name is missing" case "application-required-Gender": return "Please select Gender" case "application-required-MaritalStatus": return "Please select Marital Status" case "application-required-Employment": return "Please select Employment" case "application-required-DateOfBirth": return "Please enter your Date of Birth" case "application-required-DateOfBirthD": return "Enter Day (Date of Birth) in DD format" case "application-required-DateOfBirthM": return "Enter Month (Date of Birth) in MM format" case "application-required-DateOfBirthY": return "Enter Year (Date of Birth) in YYYY format" case "application-required-NextPaydayD": return "Enter Day (Next Payday) in DD format" case "application-required-NextPaydayM": return "Enter Month (Next Payday) in MM format" case "application-required-NextPaydayY": return "Enter Year (Next Payday) in YYYY format" case "application-required-MonthlyIncome": return "Please enter your Monthly income" case "application-required-FixedMonthlyPayments": return "Please enter your Fixed monthly payments" case "application-required-EmployerName": return "Please enter your Employer\'s Company name" case "application-required-EmploymentSector": return "Enter Employment sector" case "application-required-Street": return "Please enter your Street name" case "application-required-Address": return "Please enter your House number" case "application-required-City": return "Please enter your City name" case "application-incorrect-AdditionalEmail": return "Please enter correct Additional email" case "application-incorrect-AdditionalMobile": return "Please enter correct Additional phone" case "application-required-PostalCode1": return "Please enter Home Post Code (First half)" case "application-required-PostalCode2": return "Please enter Home Post Code (Second half)" case "application-incorrect-PostalCode1": return "Please check your Home Post Code (First half)" case "application-incorrect-PostalCode2": return "Please check your Home Post Code (Second half)" case "application-incorrect-Address": return "House number: Please enter your house number only, do not include house name, floor number etc." case "application-required-Phone": return "Please enter your Home phone number" case "application-required-Mobile": return "Please enter your Mobile phone number" case "application-required-UserTitle": return "Please select your Title" case "application-required-Email": return "Please enter your e-mail" case "application-required-ConfirmEmail": return "Enter confirm your e-mail" case "application-required-CreditAccountNumber": return "Please enter your Account Number" case "application-required-CreditSortCode": return "Please enter your Sort Code" case "application-required-CreditCardNumber": return "Enter credit card number" case "application-required-CreditExpiryDateM": return "Enter credit card expiry date (month)" case "application-required-CreditExpiryDateY": return "Enter credit card expiry date (year)" case "application-required-CreditCVC": return "Enter credit card CVC" case "application-incorrect-MonthlyIncome": return "Please enter your Monthly income using numbers only. No letters or special characters (such as "£") can be used in this field." case "application-incorrect-FixedMonthlyPayments": return "Please enter your Fixed monthly payments using number only. No letters or special characters (such as "£") can be used in this field." case "application-incorrect-CreditCardNumber": return "Incorrect credit card number" case "application-incorrect-CreditExpiryDateM": return "Incorrect credit card expiry date (month)" case "application-incorrect-CreditExpiryDateY": return "Incorrect credit card expiry date (year)" case "application-incorrect-CreditExpiryDate": return "Incorrect credit card expiry date" case "application-incorrect-CreditCVC": return "Incorrect credit card CVC" case "application-incorrect-Email": return "Please enter a valid e-mail address (for example," case "application-incorrect-ConfirmEmail": return "Please enter a valid confirm e-mail address (for example," case "application-incorrect-DateOfBirthD": return "Incorrect Day (Date of Birth), should be entered in DD format" case "application-incorrect-DateOfBirthM": return "Incorrect Month (Date of Birth), should be entered in MM format" case "application-incorrect-DateOfBirthY": return "Incorrect Year (Date of Birth), should be entered in YYYY format" case "application-incorrect-NextPaydayD": return "Incorrect Day (Next Payday), should be entered in DD format" case "application-incorrect-NextPaydayM": return "Incorrect Month (Next Payday), should be entered in MM format" case "application-incorrect-NextPaydayY": return "Incorrect Year (Next Payday), should be entered in YYYY format" case "application-incorrect-FollowingPaydayD": return "Incorrect Day (Following Payday), should be entered in DD format" case "application-incorrect-FollowingPaydayM": return "Incorrect Month (Following Payday), should be entered in MM format" case "application-incorrect-FollowingPaydayY": return "Incorrect Year (Following Payday), should be entered in YYYY format" case "application-incorrect-CreditAccountNumber": return "Please check your Bank Account Details: Account Number" case "application-incorrect-CreditSortCode": return "Please check your Bank Account Details: Sort Code" case "application-incorrect-date": return "Incorrect date entered" case "application-incorrect-dateofbirth": return "Incorrect Date Of Birth entered" case "application-incorrect-nextpayday": return "Incorrect Next Payday entered" case "application-incorrect-followingpayday": return "Incorrect Following Payday entered" case "application-incorrect2-followingpayday": return "Following Payday needs to be after Next Payday." case "application-incorrect-Phone": return "Please enter your Home phone number using numbers only" case "application-incorrect-WorkPhone": return "Please enter your Work phone number using numbers only" case "application-incorrect-Mobile": return "Please enter your Mobile phone number using numbers only" case "application-incorrect-lowercase-ConfirmPasswd": return "Confirm Password should contain at least 1 uppercase character" case "application-incorrect-lowercase-Passwd": return "Password should contain at least 1 uppercase character" case "application-incorrect-PromoCode": return "Promotional code entered is not valid" case "application-emails-do-not-match": return "E-mail and Confirm E-mail fields do not match" case "application-required-WorkAddress": return "Enter work details: Building number" case "application-required-WorkStreet": return "Enter work details: Street" case "application-required-WorkCity": return "Enter work details: City" case "application-required-WorkPostalCode1": return "Please enter Work Post Code (First half)" case "application-required-WorkPostalCode2": return "Please enter Work Post Code (Second half) " case "application-incorrect-WorkPostalCode1": return "Please check your Work Post Code (First half)" case "application-incorrect-WorkPostalCode2": return "Please check your Work Post Code (Second half) " case "application-required-WorkPhone": return "Enter work details: phone number" case "application-emails-already-exist": return "The email address you have entered is already registered to another user" case "application-required-Passwd": return "Please enter Password" case "application-required-ConfirmPasswd": return "Please enter Confirm Password" case "application-required-HowOftenGetPaid": return "Please enter How often do you get paid" case "application-required-PaydayFrequency": return "Please enter Payday Frequency" case "application-required-PaydayDayOfWeek": return "Please enter Payday Day Of Week" case "application-required-PaydaySpecificDate": return "Please enter Payday Specific date" case "application-required-StatusOfPriorityBills": return "Please enter your Priority Bills" case "application-incorrect-StatusOfPriorityBillsMonthly": return "Please enter your Monthly amount of priority bills arrears" case "application-incorrect-length-Passwd": return "Your password must consist of a minimum of 6 characters " case "application-incorrect-length-ConfirmPasswd": return "Your password must consist of a minimum of 6 characters" case "application-passwords-do-not-match": return "Password and Confirm Password do not match" case "application-incorrect-uppercase-Passwd": return "Password should contain at least 1 lowercase character" case "application-success": return "Thank you! We are transferring money into your bank account right now." case "application-agency-approved": return "Congratulations! You\'ve qualified for a loan! Please read carefully the following 3 documents and sign them by ticking the box at the bottom." case "application-agency-denied": return "Unfortunately we are unable to grant you a loan at this time." case "application-dateofbirth-doesnt-match": return "Date of Birth doesn\'t match" case "postalcode-doesnt-match": return "Post Code doesn\'t match" case "new-user-price-exceeded": return "First time customers are limited to a &pound;400 loan. Please choose a smaller amount to proceed." case "returning-user-price-exceeded": return "Your current limit is &pound;%CreditLimit%. Please choose a smaller amount to proceed." case "user-message-subject-passcode": return "Passcode to update mobile phone number with" case "user-email-message-subject-passcode": return "Passcode for your application at" case "application-coronavirus-reason-little": return "Please tell us more about the impact you expect the change in your circumstances to have on your ability to repay the loan." case "application-incorrect-dates-nextpayday": return "You pay date information needs to be exact. Please check the information you provided." case "new-rp-empty-total-repayment": return "Error. Empty value field Total Repayment." case "portal-empty-text-note": return "Error. Empty value field." case "portal-error-save-note": return "Error saving a note" case "portal-saved-new-note": return "New note saved for " case "new-rp-total-repayment-cap2x": return "Error. The total amount exceeds 2x loan amount." case "new-rp-empty-individual-payment": return "Please, enter amoun Individual payment." case "new-rp-empty-frequency": return "Please, choose Frequency." case "new-rp-invalid-plan": return "Error. Not all options selected." case "new-rp-more-18-months": return "Important: Please make the caller aware that this is a long dated agreement and will require a review after 12 months.<br>\r\nWe will contact the customer after 12 months to review the account." case "new-rp-invalid-delay-payment-date": return "Error. Invalid field: Delay payment to." case "new-rp-title-new-repayment-plan": return "New repayment plan:" case "new-rp-comment-change-date": return "adjusted due to weekend / bank holiday" case "new-rp-text-after-send-email": return "Confirmation email sent. You can confirm to the customer that the new payment schedule will be updated by the end of the day today." case "new-rp-text-after-send-email-dev": return "New payment arrangement set up." case "new-rp-empty-delay-payment-date": return "Please, choose Delay payment to." case "new-rp-subject-email": return " **Please Read**" case "new-rp-error-not-found-data": return "Error. No data found for new Repayment plan." case "new-rp-error-60-days-between-dates": return "Error. More than 42 days between dates." case "new-rp-error-date-order-wrong": return "Error: date order is wrong. Check day, month and year and update." case "new-rp-error-sum-amount": return "Error. The sum amount of individual payments differs from the current balance." case "new-rp-error-wrong-date-format": return "Error. Wrong date format." case "new-rp-error-payment-in-the-future": return "This payment is too far in the future and needs to be closer to the payment above." case "new-rp-text-email": return "\r\n<p>Hi %Name%,</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Account reference: %URN%</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Thank you for your time on the phone just now.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We want to help you repay your loan in a way that you can afford and here is a confirmation of the repayment plan that we\'ve agreed.</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="text-decoration: underline;">Please note your repayment plan will show on your credit file so we would encourage you to settle your loan in full ahead of %FinalDateRP% if you can afford to do so.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Your new repayments are:</p>\r\n\r\n%NewRepaymentPlanText%\r\n<br/>\r\n<p>Total repayment: £%TotalRepayment%</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If the repayment plan becomes unaffordable, please provide us with more information about your current levels of income and priority expenditure so that we can better understand your circumstances and arrange an alternative repayment option which will be sustainable for you. Please let us know if you would like any assistance with providing this information, such as an income and expenditure form or a call back from one of our customer service team.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you are worried about your financial circumstances, you can speak to an independent debt advisor such as StepChange ( or National Debt Line (</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We will collect the repayments from your debit card on the above dates. Please make sure that your debit card details are correct and up to date and that there are sufficient funds in your account to meet these payments.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you need to add a new debit card, log in to My Account on the website and click Update Card Details at the top of the page.</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Your loan repayment plan will be amended as above.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.</p>" case "new-rp-text-email-review": return "\r\n<p>Hi %Name%,</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Account reference: %URN%</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Thank you for your time on the phone just now.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We want to help you repay your loan in a way that you can afford and here is a confirmation of the repayment plan that we\'ve agreed.</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="text-decoration: underline;">Please note your repayment plan will show on your credit file so we would encourage you to settle your loan in full ahead of %FinalDateRP% if you can afford to do so.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Your new repayments are:</p>\r\n\r\n%NewRepaymentPlanText%\r\n<br/>\r\n<p>Total repayment: £%TotalRepayment%</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If the repayment plan becomes unaffordable, please provide us with more information about your current levels of income and priority expenditure so that we can better understand your circumstances and arrange an alternative repayment option which will be sustainable for you. Please let us know if you would like any assistance with providing this information, such as an income and expenditure form or a call back from one of our customer service team.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you are worried about your financial circumstances, you can speak to an independent debt advisor such as StepChange ( or National Debt Line (</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We will collect the repayments from your debit card on the above dates. Please make sure that your debit card details are correct and up to date and that there are sufficient funds in your account to meet these payments.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you need to add a new debit card, log in to My Account on the website and click Update Card Details at the top of the page.</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Your loan repayment plan will be amended as above.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.</p>" case "new-rp-text-email-set-up": return "<p>Hi %Name%,</p>\n\n<p>Account reference: %URN%</p>\n\n<p>Thank you for your time on the phone just now.</p>\n\n<p>We want to help you repay your loan in a way that you can afford and here is a confirmation of the repayment plan that we\'ve agreed.</p>\n\n<p>Your balance has been frozen at the current amount due of £%TotalRepayment% and you will not incur any further interest or other charges.</p>\n\n<p style="text-decoration: underline;">Please note your repayment plan will show on your credit file so we would encourage you to settle your loan in full ahead of %FinalDateRP% if you can afford to do so.</p>\n\n<p>Your new repayments are:</p>\n\n%NewRepaymentPlanText%\n<br/>\n<p>Total repayment: £%TotalRepayment%</p>\n\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Please check that all repayment dates fit your pay dates.</p>\n\n<p>If the repayment plan becomes unaffordable, please provide us with more information about your current levels of income and priority expenditure so that we can better understand your circumstances and arrange an alternative repayment option which will be sustainable for you. Please let us know if you would like any assistance with providing this information, such as an income and expenditure form or a call back from one of our customer service team.</p>\n\n<p>If you are worried about your financial circumstances, you can speak to an independent debt advisor such as StepChange ( or National Debt Line (</p>\n\n<p>We will collect the repayments from your debit card on the above dates. Please make sure that your debit card details are correct and up to date and that there are sufficient funds in your account to meet these payments.</p>\n\n<p>If you need to add a new debit card, log in to My Account on the website and click Update Card Details at the top of the page.</p>\n\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Your loan repayment plan will be set up as above.</p>\n\n<p>Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.</p>" case "new-rp-text-email-set-up-one": return "\r\n<p>Hi %Name%,</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Account reference: %URN%</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Thank you for your phone call earlier today.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We want to help you repay your loan in a way that you can afford and we will amend your repayment dates as we discussed.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Your new repayments will be:</p>\r\n\r\n%NewRepaymentPlanText%\r\n<br/>\r\n<p>Total repayment: £%TotalRepayment%</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Please check that <span style="text-decoration: underline;">all</span> repayment dates fit your pay dates.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If the repayments become unaffordable, please provide us with more information about your current levels of income and priority expenditure so that we can better understand your circumstances and arrange an alternative repayment option which will be sustainable for you. Please let us know if you would like any assistance with providing this information, such as an income and expenditure form or a call back from one of our customer service team.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you are worried about your financial circumstances, you can speak to an independent debt advisor such as StepChange ( or National Debt Line (</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We will collect the repayments from your debit card on the above dates. Please make sure that your debit card details are correct and up to date and that there are sufficient funds in your account to meet these payments.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>If you need to add a new debit card, please log in to your account on the website and click Update Card Details.</p>\r\n\r\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">Your loan repayments will be amended as above.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.</p>" case "new-rp-empty-start-date": return "Please, choose Frequency." default: return key; } }